Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 Christmas celebration at Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Kota Bharu

I celebrated Christmas in Kota Bharu three times in my lifetime. Once when I was doing my postgraduate study in 2002. Then, with my wife and the two boys last year and this year. It does feel strange yet wonderful what marriage changes my life.

After Mass, the Christmas celebration began at the church closed compound, with the host and hostess tickled our bones every now and then.

Look at how big my Darrien is... as Peter Pan. It was a bit too early to put on Jacob's Reindeer costume. He was pulling it with his hands, probably too hot for him. The host gave him a Santa's hat.

They were getting attention from everyone! The boys were cool while their photos were taken from every angles. 

Parish priest, Rev Father Robert Daniel.

Fancy dress competition, for children below 6 years old, started late in the morning. My boys were given a pink card each for the judges to recognize them. They moved around in the designated area happily. Putting on their best behaviour and showing everyone the costumes which Wife had made for many nights with lots of love.

Guess what? Jacob was given first prize and Darrien the second prize. Both were holding the red presents tightly till they reached home. Wife sure had put many smiles on their faces today through her labour of tender love

Merry Christmas from me and my family. 

With Love in Kota Bharu.


  1. A Blessed & Holy Christmas to you and your family and all your friends there. Lovely kids, you have!

    1. Thank you, sir. Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones too.
